HealthQuest Helps: Skeptic No More!
Ralph Yamron, 74, openly admits he “never believed in chiropractors.” But today, he’s one of HealthQuest’s biggest fans. Why? Ralph says it’s because he is no longer dealing with the back and leg pain that has plagued him for years.
“All the doctors said, ‘You have neuropathy,’” Ralph recalls. “Dr. Cogan said, ‘I can treat that.’”
Yamron decided to give Dr. Cogan a try. The results speak for themselves. He can now walk with his grandchildren and go up and down stairs without pain.
“Everything is great. Do this. I’m telling you, I’m an old guy – do this,” Ralph says. “My back is almost no pain at all and my legs are moving well. The only thing I’m still having a problem with is balance and [Dr. Cogan] says he’ll fix that. It’s just a matter of time. And now – I believe him.”
During a recent visit office visit, Ralph showed off the results of his treatment.
“Show them the new you,” Dr. Cogan said as Ralph walked without the help of a cane, something he was not able to do before coming to HealthQuest.
“There’s hope,” Dr. Cogan says. “You don’t have to live with the pain. People are better off allowing their bodies to health themselves whenever possible.”
HealthQuest helped Ralph. Find out how we can help you. Call for an appointment today. 877-99-QUEST.