Category: Treatments

Chiropractic Treatment: What Can I expect?

Chiropractic Treatment: What Can I expect? What does chiropractic care really mean? Can it really help with headaches, asthma, arthritis, etc? Chiropractic is based on your brain and nervous system and their ability to control…

Massage and Physical Therapy

Massage therapy Massage therapy is manual manipulation of soft body tissues (muscle, connective tissue, tendons and ligaments) to enhance a person’s health and well-being. There are dozens of types of massage therapy methods (also called…

ReBuilder Therapy

The ReBuilder™ is an electronic, drug-free alternative for pain and numbness. This changes everything. Get your life back! “If you suffer from frequent or constant pain due to Peripheral Neuropathy; cramping, tingling, numbness, burning pain,…

Core Stabilization Therapy

Core stabilization therapy trains core muscles to support the spine, neck and shoulder blades. It is a fundamental component of current physiotherapy treatments for back and neck pain. Compared with other treatments such as manual…

Chiropractic Accident Treatment

Chiropractic accident treatment Have you recently been injured in an auto accident? If so, you have the right to insist on full treatment and recovery. Auto accident injuries may be covered at 100%. Call us…

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*Results may vary from patient to patient.